Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Force Was With Us

A couple of weeks ago, we road tripped up to Fort Worth to see the Science of Star Wars Exhibit. It's on its last stop, and this is one exhibit we really wanted to see. All four of us loved it, for different reasons. I loved seeing the models that were used to make the original trilogy. Asterix was fond of the real-life applications of the Star Wars technology. Mushroom Hunter dug the robotics (he spent ages playing with them) and Baby Turtle loved the audio tour.

While in Fort Worth, we had the chance to go to the Botanic Gardens and letterbox. The gardens are open late, until sunset (although the Japanese Gardens close earlier). This gave us the chance to stroll around when it wasn't so HOT!

There are lots of stunning letterboxes at the park, but we particularly enjoyed Puddle Splasher's Artist Series. Van Gogh's Sunflowers, Monet's Water Lilies, and O'Keefe's Poppies seemed particularly at home in this setting. It's a magnificent pairing.

After a while, the boys' patience ran out, so we left a few letterboxes unfound and went off for ice cream.

I've found that it's much better for my long-term letterboxing prospects if I'll stop before I'm ready, but when they are. We had so much fun in Fort Worth (I also got to do the Cattle Pen Maze that was in The Amazing Race 5, the one won by Chip & Kim. Apparently I wouldn't be as good at that as I thought as my older son beat me by 10 minutes, but he ran while I strolled) that we definitely plan to return.

1 comment:

SandiBox said...

I am SO jealous... I am a Star Wars geek from WAY back! Sounds like a great trip.

We did the stockyard maze last year in August. It was so hot, I though I would melt. Likewise, the kids in our group finished ages before us. Um...they ran, we walked. Yeah, that's my story too. :-P
