Isn't this cool? This was the sign-in banner for the Wizard of Oz gathering we did. I really like doing the banners on cloth, because you can fold them up and store them easily. Mother of Five made this one, and it turned out great with the yellow bricks.
There's not a whole lot really pressing in my letterboxing world. I've been managing to get out with Mother of Five some (and that's been great), including one day where we boxed with Sandibox & SoccerChik and ran into BootsTex & Lone Star Quilter. I love how the Terrors of Telge series has grown and I'd like to do more group projects like that--it's fun when you can be both a planter and a finder.
Not to whine, but it seems like we don't grow new planters in Houston--there's just a handful of people who have planted more than 2 boxes. We've gotten a few new ones in the last year, but others have disappeared due to other commitments & interests, with no net growth. And with TeamKing moving to England, we lost yet another good planter! I'm thinking of ways to encourage people to plant, including a series of boxes available only for those who plant during certain months.
Finally, I'm working on my holiday series & I've planted a few new boxes, including my hefe-bison, which has some of my favorite clues ever.
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