Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Back to School & Reality

It seems like August was a time-away-from-time month. We just kind of did our own things. We traveled for the first two weeks. Look for some upcoming posts about letterboxing under the Live Oaks as we worked our way across the South to our ultimate destination of Charleston. (And about how yellow jackets can live in the crevice of a live oak; be careful about where you poke with a stick-ow!)

There, we didn't box, but had a relaxing week with friends and family at the beach. We had much to celebrate and just being with this group was wonderful.

Then, it was a few letterboxes on the hurried trip back to Houston.

Here, we tried to squeeze the last little bit of fun out of summer. At the beginning of June, the kids and I had made a giant list of what we wanted to do this summer. With two weeks to go, we re-evaluated. Everyone got to pick one thing that they wanted to do. Me? I got to go to the DFW area for a whirlwind letterboxing tour with MoWizLiz and a fun mini-meet with area boxers (look for a post just about that too). I didn't worry about the blog, mainly because I still haven't downloaded the pictures from vacation & beyond.

And then, in a blink of an eye summer was over. Time for back to school and all the rigors of establishing a schedule (especially the going to bed early enough and waking up parts). The kids are doing their homework; I'm trying to re-organize a whole summer's full of art projects & lego creations. In addition, we started re-doing their room and bathroom, so that's half-completed. If we're lucky that will be finished by December.

We're taking a bit of time to get re-situated. Look for some more upcoming posts about cipher solving and our upcoming Wizard of Oz themed gathering.

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