Sunday, September 30, 2007

We've Got Game!

It may come as no surprise to those who read this blog that we love strategy board games around here. All four of us spent a big chunk of yesterday playing Cathedral World, pictured above. We were already big fans of Cathedral, where you place buildings around a central safe spot, the cross piece, and try and claim territory for yourself. Cathedral World has a slightly different set of rules, so it was fun figuring out the strategy differences. But what's also neat is that your playing pieces are famous landmarks from around the world. It adds an interesting dimension.

I thought I'd list some of our favorite family games, or at least ones we've been playing a lot recently, in addition to Cathedral.

Apples to Apples
Davinci's Code
Frog Juice
Life: Pirates of the Caribbean Edition
Scrambled States of America
Stratego: Star Wars

The sheer number of board games we have is slightly embarrassing, so this is an abridged list. Feel free to add your family favorites to the comments section.


David Baril Jr. said...

RISK is so my favorite game ever!

Anonymous said...

We love all CRANIUM games, but Cadoo is a particular favorite. For simple strategy the favorite in this house is GOBBLET. And you know, there is nothing quite like a good old game of CANDYLAND, wonder how many times I have played that over the years? MO5

hoppers said...

3 faves at our house:

Hoppers (sound familiar)= 12 green frogs, one red one, puzzles become increasingly more difficult.

Carcassone = build the city as you send out knights, monks, thieves, and farmers to conquer it.

Blitz = really fun card game from Germany, but be warned, most games either end in laughter or grudges.