Saturday, September 15, 2007

Countdown to Oz

In 2006, I hosted or helped with major portions of three gatherings. Even though they were a lot of fun and we really enjoyed them, that level of organization about did me in...and one of my New Year's Resolutions was no more hosting of gatherings!

10 months into 2007, and I'm breaking that resolution. My buddy MoWizLiz is coming to Houston, and there are so many new letterboxers around that we just couldn't resist! So Mother of Five and I are busily planning Follow the Yellow Trail, an ode to the wonderful world of Oz. I avidly read most of the OZ books as a kid, so the characters and places are dear to me.

The event will be October 6th at my favorite Urban spot, Memorial Park. Some weeks I walk the trails of Memorial Park 3-4 times. I never tire of them, as they seem to be constantly changing. I've seen some amazing wildlife in this serene oasis surrounded by loud hustle and bustle: coyotes, baby armadillos (and mom), tarantulas, venomous snakes (coral and water moccasin), owls, swamp rabbits, rare migratory birds and more. And there are days (like Wednesday when I took a four mile hike along the green trail) where I don't see another human. Those trails are my respite (and where I work out my next mystery box clues).

We're trying to keep things simple, and not overdo. The focus is on friends (new and old), with some boxes thrown in. There already are a ton of boxes in Memorial Park, but the place is huge, and others will be more than welcome. Already, the gathering has blossomed from a mini to a normal size (50 people), which is a good, manageable size. But keeping it low-key is not always easy for me. As I explained to someone, I'm of the "What if we run out of dip?" school of party planning. Overplanning and overcooking are just part of my genetic make-up. There are always left-overs at one of my parties.

As far as boxes, I'm just carving the OZ images I love and whatever I get around to planting I plant. And some lovely friends from across the US volunteered to send stamps, so that makes the job easier. We're having a special Jack Pumpkinhead pumpkin patch for the young boxers, and good friends are carving pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns for that. It's like a letterboxing potluck!

All in all, I'm getting excited. See you in OZ!

1 comment:

hoppers said...

The pumpkins are a great idea for the kids, it sounds like its going to be an event to remember.